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For more information about the Ladies Ministry, please contact Mrs. Leslie Belsick.


Proverbs 31:13 Knitting Ministry


She seeks wool and flax and willingly works with her hands.


When: Wednesdays from 10:30am to 12 noon

Where: Church Parlor


Connie Beasley teaches basic knitting. There are also ladies who crochet and they help teach those who prefer to crochet. There is also a time of prayer.

Ladies' Bible Studies Coming Up:


Women’s Grace Life Conference

Sat., January 13, 2024, 9am-3pm
BBC Family Life Ctr.

Cost is $25 (includes Chick-Fil-A sandwich lunch)

Contact/RSVP Starla Ellison at 864-573-6836



Spiritual Warfare and the Way of Victory

Thursday, January 18, 2024, 6:30 pm

Barnes & Nobles (Westside, Spartanburg)

This study will be walking through a book by Dr. George W. Kimball titled
Spiritual Warfare and the Way of Victory. Study material available at our first meeting.

Cost $10 (We will meet monthly on the 3rd Thursday at 6:30 pm.)
For more info, contact Leslie Belsick ( or text 864-529-1749.




Begins Tues., March 19, 7 pm at the home of Cindy West (221 Midway Dr., Spartanburg, SC)

Wed., March 15, 10:00 a.m. at Wellsprings Treasures, (1600 John B. White Blvd.)
Workbooks can
be ordered at This is a video-driven series by Melissa Spoelstra.

Please study the first week’s lesson by March 19 & 20.

Contact Cindy at (864) 542-3684 for more info.

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